Losing Work weight: Stop working sugar!

I am at the point of my life that, I stand over the weight scale and I feel it screaming from my overweight! I'm ashamed of my shape, my clothes did not fit my body anymore, and I feel heavy while I'm moving around.

The weird thing that I do exercises! at some weeks every day, but I still gaining weight, still feels heavy as an elephant! 

After watching this video, I understood why I'm having more weight even when I exercise, it's simple, the amount of calories that I'm taking from my food is more than what my body needs, so I decided to stop having sugar on my daily meals, it was hard I admit it, but I really felt healthier after tacking this decision, I can feel my mood changing during the day to be better, and less stress or boredom mood swings during the day and I can feel my body starting to transform into its fitness shape, That doesn't mean I'm fit right now and in good shape! but I can see a shred of real evidence that I'm going in the right way of being in a healthy lifestyle...

And that makes me think: am I having work fat? I mean, I feel heavy while I'm working, things never get done, and tasks pile up on top of each other, and the more I work the more I have of things that must be done! I'm working over-weighted! 

Most of the time, I am trying to be as organized as possible, using tools like Trello, Microsoft Todo, and Google Calendar to organize my tasks and projects on my work. However, By looking at the projects that I should complete this year, I found myself I have done a small percent of each project and there is no project completed or even close to!

The problem is with the time moving forward the project requirements increases, and even new projects or tasks added to the schedule and the amount of work fat increases... so I decided to know my work-sugar that I'm having and get rid off it, and I found the following:

1st: Social media:

It is noticeable the number of times that one of us checks his/her phone for new notifications or even for no reason while waiting for a code to run or server to be restarted, it feels like its small and countable seconds but in fact, it could be transformed into hours! even if it's just a glance, it disconnects the continuous focus and the thinking flow, which makes starting the paused work harder to be started. and that drove us to the second type of work sugar...

2nd: Multitasking: 

It's a myth! we just can't! unless on routine simple tasks like driving and talking at the same time, but in complex and "thinking driven" working, like fixing an unexpected bug or writing a detailed document, we can't do those both at the same time, of course, there are experts that can do things like that but this came with a long-time practice and focus until it became like a routine to them, and they became working with there subconscious mind. 

For me, I found even listening to songs while working is kind of slow me down! because there is a part of my mind is taking while I am listening to analysis and understand the words of the song. 

3rd: Starting new things before ending the old one: 

And this one is addictive! because it always makes us running to the new and shiny things without having a deep understanding and mastering the one on hand, and this makes us loaded with a mountain of undone things.

Moreover, I believe the word "Done" makes a kind of relief to our mind, so I decided before I start a new task, or reading a new book, or writing a new blog post, I looked for what I have already started and finished it. 

On conclusion: focusing on what I had to do right now without switching on tasks makes the workload lighter, and getting things done before starting a new thing ensures that you will not have working overweight.


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