Troubleshoot something you don't know!
One day, three years ago, I found my self supporting users that working on a solution/system for call center department called Avaya Elite, and somehow, I suppose not only to operationally support the system but also to make web application & desktop application that integrates with the earlier mentioned solution. The idea was simple, we have a solution that controls the Telephone Transactions on the company, part of its tools is a desktop application linked with an application server that's controlling the Inbound call center and the Outbound call Center . for the client desktop application, we need to link it with an application that shows information about the caller (in case of inbound) or information about the one who will be called (in case of outbound) from the company's ERP. The above was an overview, as I will not go farther in details on this, but I will describe the situation that I faced: There was no documentation provided from the solution supplier...